You Might Need This Strategy When Writing A Drama Script

You Might Need This Strategy When Writing A Drama Script

Some acts consist of one scene, while there are also acts that have many scenes, even in a one-act drama. The key is that each scene moves the story or reveals the characters. In other words, every scene needs to include conflict, not just characters talking about conflict. Also, every conflict needs to involve the main players who are pursuing their goals. (In a multi-act drama, you can have scenes that don’t represent the main character. However, you don’t want to spend time on scenes like that in a one-act drama.) Other than that, if you also need a fresh script that is suitable for elderly audiences, you might want to try one-act play script.

Your job is to turn the list of obstacles your main character faces into scenes. For example, the Evil Witch becomes Dorothy against the Evil Witch and takes her broom. Some people prefer to write the scenes in person, rather than outline them in advance. We do it, even though writing the entire scene, is much more difficult than setting a few outlines first.

When you know where your main character is headed, it’s time to write a play. There is no other way to do it. If you’ve written before, you know that good writing results from several drafts. If you’ve never written before – good writing results from multiple drafts.

Also, think that creative writing, in any form, is a skill that needs to be honed and polished through experience. Take a drama writing course, if you don’t have a writing background. If you have a writing background, you will know that analyzing drama is enough to get the hang of it.

Writers sometimes go back to basics to see if they hit their mark: Does the main character already pursue a goal? Are the obstacles and characters interesting? Does the dialogue sound natural? The audience may see the more complex parts of the play too: Is the theme conveyed? Is there a good metaphor?

Usually, it is difficult to objectively assess what needs to be developed. You need to do the big part yourself, but don’t work in a vacuum. Find a teacher, fellow writer, hired consultant, or a trusted association, and ask them to give their opinion on changes that could be made.

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