This Is What People Must Know About Circumcision
Circumcision is a surgical procedure that aims to remove the outer skin of the penis that covers the head of the penis. Circumcision is very common in several countries and you can get circumcision in melbourne, both based on religious and health reasons. It is especially important for health reasons and circumcision is known to have several benefits.
In general, there are several advantages for men undergoing circumcision procedures:
– Circumcised penis can be cleaned a lot easier.
– Urinary tract infection risks will be reduced.
– Reducing the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.
– Prevent penile cancer and cervical cancer in couples.
Circumcision can be done for religious or health reasons. Meanwhile, for health reasons, some diseases or conditions that can be treated through circumcision are:
– Phimosis, which is a condition of the outer skin of the penis that cannot be pulled behind the head of the penis. Phimosis can cause pain when the penis is erect and urinating.
– Paraphimosis, which is a condition of the outer skin of the penis that cannot return to its original position after being pulled behind the head of the penis. It is need to be handled by professionals right away to avoid complications.
– Circumcision is suggested for people who suffer from balanitis.
– Balanitis xerotica obliterans, a condition that causes thickening of the skin on the tip of the penis and the head of the penis.
Circumcision as a form of treatment is often recommended to patients after other noninvasive treatment methods have been ineffective for the patient.
Patients with the following conditions please take care to undergo circumcision:
– Premature baby.
– Having a penis deformity.
– Experiencing hypospadias and epispadias, such as abnormalities in the position of the urinary tract and hole in the penis.
– Small penis (micropenis).
– Having multiple sexes (ambiguous genitalia).
– Blood clotting disorders.