Finding Your Way Through A DUI

Finding Your Way Through A DUI

A Humorous Guide to Tampa’s Legal Eagles

This is a situation you wouldn’t wish on anyone, (well, almost anyone). Everything is going swimmingly (er, drivingly): you’re cruising through Tampa, perhaps gently pounding out a tune or two as background music–one of those gems from back when albums actually played on players! Suddenly, out of nowhere–as if confetti at a surprise party (one to which you didn’t RSVP) appeared without notice, but with breathing room nonetheless–those continents of blue and red lights flash and wail like two vampires bidding adieu. Suddenly, you’re not the life of the party; you’re in hot soup, a veritable pickle.

Tampa DUI Lawyers are like the city’s craft breweries—one part with a George Strait-themed wall, part a makerspace and part local saloon. Indeed, one could say that they are like a sturdy ship’s anchor in a stormy legal sea. They penetrate the mud, so to speak, and bring you out toward simple waters again! Then what distinguishes the best from the rest in this legal jungle?

First off, let’s talk shop. Know your attorney’s game plan. Some lawyers have the laser focus of a children’s book but lack that white-hot, ultraviolet intensity that says they mean business–like a steady gaze from someone who’s been eyeballing a high dive since he learned to tie tie. Then there are others who are as flexible as a Tampa Bay breeze, bending and blowing with any change in the wind–just like a salsa dancer who’s got rhythm to spare.

Humor—while we’re laughing, let me tell you—be open about those courtroom costs. Just as you’d want to know what your cocktail cost before ordering one, if it came in three sizes all the way up to hurricane. A DUI legal fight can stretch out like an alligator tail, and without a fixed idea of overhead, you may find yourself simply swimming in red ink.

Experience: that’s the secret sauce. Look for those who’ve spent years prowling through Tampa’s legal labyrinths with cases. They have tales that could make your hair curl (if you didn’t get the perming fluid rinsed out). Listen to their stories; they’ve hobnobbed with a few dragons themselves, similarly soused.

Networking isn’t just for social butterflies. Your lawyer should have contacts like a spider spinning a vast web–local prosecutors or judges who have heard of him and might be persuaded that it’ll be a lot of extra work to have to try the case all over again, but couldn’t he maybe settle for a reduced sentence? And, charm isn’t everything but it doesn’t hurt–Tampa attorneys usually have a personal magnetism that could charm Attila the Hun even on a bad day.

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