Facts About Drunk Driving
Accidents due to drunk drivers or under the influence of drugs are the most common cause of accidents, namely human error.
However, there are many cases of accidents due to drunk drivers that the Tampa DUI Lawyers Near Me have to handle. Drunk while driving is one of the causes of traffic accidents that result in loss of life. Every country in the world has given warnings about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. But in fact, the penalties and fines imposed did not make people realize their mistakes.
Here are some facts about drunk driving that you need to know; – About 30 percent of road accidents occur due to drunk driving. Every year, many people lose their lives due to driving under the influence of alcohol.
– The body takes about 6 to 7 hours to get rid of the effects of alcohol consumed. For that, drive if the body condition has recovered.
– Alcohol affects the brain and other cognitive areas within hours of consumption.
– Many studies say, alcohol has more impact on driving at night. This is what causes 70 percent of accidents due to the influence of alcohol occur at night, and the rest during the day.
– Most people who drive while drunk are 16-21 years old.
– A study found that those who died in accidents due to the influence of alcohol did not wear seat belts or follow safety rules while driving.
– Another study revealed that 80 percent of those who died from drunken driving while driving were male.
Based on scientific studies, drunkenness to using technology in this case cellphones while driving causes the driver’s concentration to be disrupted. Disruption of this concentration causes traffic accidents. The public is considered very understanding of the dangers of drinking alcohol and using cell phones while driving, but they still do it. He said, accidents caused by drunk drivers often occur in the middle class. That’s from scientific studies, if it has been realized but is still being implemented, it means that people don’t have a safety culture, that after drinking alcohol is considered light.