Do You Know These Components In Frame Scaffolding?
Frame scaffolding is a type of iron/steel scaffolding or which is widely used in building and infrastructure construction projects. Frame scaffolding has several components that must be assembled at the time of its use. You may also be able to rent some of these scaffoldings by contacting a height of heras fencing company in your city.
Here are some components of frame scaffolding that you must know:
Main Frame
The mainframe is part of the scaffolding which acts as the main component. The mainframe consists of various types and sizes. If the height of one mainframe is not sufficient, you can add another mainframe above it (vertical direction). Apart from the mainframe, there are also known as ladder frames and beam frames which function the same as the mainframe but only differ in the height of the frame.
Cross Brace or Diagonal Brace
A cross brace is two pipes that are crossed which function to provide horizontal distance between the mainframes as well as provide support for the scaffolding so that it does not shake and can stand upright. Also, the cross brace can reduce the buckling factor that occurs in standard scaffolding, especially when the mainframe is connected upwards with another mainframe. The installation of the cross brace is relatively easy.
Joint Pin and Lock Pin
Joint pin and lock pin are scaffolding components that function as a connector and lock between the mainframe and the mainframe above it.
Adjustable Base Jack
It’s part of the scaffolding which functions as the leg of the mainframe which can also be adjusted in height to increase the height of the scaffolding according to the required height. Also, the base jack functions as part of leveling the height of the scaffolding so that the mainframe can stand at an even height.
U-Head Jack
It is the top part of the scaffolding because of its function to hold the girder beam (the beam that transmits loads from the formwork to the scaffolding) which can also be adjusted to the same height as the adjustable base jack. This section is called the U-head because it is shaped like the letter ‘U’.